Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Grandpa Is a Scary, Power-Crazed Maniac

Mary Cheney had her baby, a boy, and it really is quite a statement that the Dick and Lynn posed for the only official photo with Samuel David Cheney rather than have a photo go out of the two moms and the child. Just shove them in the closet, where they have no rights.

I asked listeners to my show to call Focus on the Family (1-800-A Family) today to ask what Bush supporter Dr. James Dobson thought of the new Cheney dyke spawn. FOTF had no comment to callers (as of right now), though several of our listeners said that the people answering the phones were happy to connect them to their on-staff "ex-gays" to get them some help with their homosexual "problem." Can't wait till little Samuel David grows up to learn that these people helped elect -- and were pandered to -- by Grandpa and his puppet, George.