Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Today on the Signorile Show

We have a lot to get into today!

News that a vote in Maryland on marriage equality is coming up tomorrow. We'll go into the details. Should the U.S. intervene in Libya? We'll open the phones and get thoughts on both sides. Rick Santorum now thinks maybe gay sex is okay? Just as long as you don't get married? What? We'll go through it. And Peter King's reckless McCarthyesque hearings on "radicalism" among Muslim-Americans: Who is the woman behind the movement to demonize U.S. citizens and how is the Christian evangelical movement involved. We'll get the facts.

Guest / 3:30pm EST
- Sara Wheeler took a journey to Antarctica over ten years ago and documented her time there in her bestselling book, Terra Incognita. Recently, she journeyed to the northern Arctic regions of the globe and has detailed her adventures there in The Magnetic North: Notes From The Arctic Circle, which she talks about the changing landscape due to global warming and what this means for the people who call this region home.

Guest / 4:30pm EST - As we wait for the implementation of the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which was signed by President Obama in December, the military is working on training their personnel about the new policy. JD Smith, a co-director with OutServe, an organization with over 2700 active duty gay and lesbian servicemembers, joins us this afternoon to talk about the training processes.

And so much more.

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

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