Sunday, June 03, 2007

In Gitmo since the age of 15

Not only has Gitmo been filled with innocent people -- some of whom have been freed after, by their accounts, being tortured --but the U.S. the is now bringing before a military tribunal Omar Ahmed Khadr who was captured in Afghanistan and brought to Gitmo at the age of 15. He is 20 years old now.

There was likely a window of time when this boy could have shaken from the violent ideology he was instilled with by his family and culture -- by the adults who raised him to hate and to kill. But now, after five years of being held a horrific conditions, he is surely hardened, probably even more deeply immersed in the anger and hatred.

Whatever the guilt of this teen in killing and harming American service people, is this where our priorities should be -- holding, torturing, and prosecuting (in unjust military tribunals) kids brought up in a world of violence and programmed to kill?