Thursday, August 23, 2007

Whoring on the Right

Former gay porn actor and man-whore Matt Sanchez is now working at the far-far-far right WorldNetDaily. Meanwhile, one-time male prostitute and one-time White House correspondent Jeff Gannon, according to a fuzzily written squib on the web site of his former employer, the Texas Republican Party-supported Talon News, is writing a tell-all book in which he'll claim Karl Rove was, yes, one of his clients. (That post was followed the next day by this curious and downright odd post.)

I'll believe that one when I see it. But then again, I never thought I'd see the star of such memorable films as Touched by an Anal and and Butt Crack Mountain working for one of the kookiest, most anti-gay right-wing megasites on the web. By the way, for more of the lowdown and down low on Sanchez, check out this obsessive and quite informative site.

Update: Before you get too excited (as some you have been in your emails)
about the alleged Karl Rove outing, read the Talon News site a bit more more; it is clear that someone has hijacked it, or whatever, and planted some interesting stories (not to mention that they call him Jim Gannon, not Jeff -- and say that Rove is heading to live with his family "in Dubai"). And the NY Daily News quotes Gannon denying it all and saying the site was bought by someone using it for satire and "slander."