Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards Drops Out

So now we're down to two. The LGBT Caucus is still on for tomorrow, and now will be even more interesting with just two campaigns vying for your vote. I'm sorry that Eric Stern, political advisor to John Edwards' campaign, won't be joining us, but I'm sure he'll be actively involved in this election and we'll have him on at another time.

Anyway, what do you think of it all? And McCain winning Florida?

UPDATE: The discussions on the show have been getting heated, as many of you know, with the Clintonites and the Obamians calling up and hashing it out, often very passionately -- and often I'm in the line of fire! So I think that with Edwards out it will make the caucus tomorrow mirror and magnify much of the discussion we've been having, and give people a chance to compare and contrast and hopefully make a decision.