Friday, February 29, 2008

Nutjob Hatemonger John Hagee, McCain's Newest Supporter

We've actually had John Hagee on the show: He is a nutty biblical literalist, who is now supporting John McCain, angering the Catholic League pit bull Bill Donohue.

It's fun to see the wingnuts go at each other -- a Godzilla vs. Mothra moment. But there is a larger issue here: The media, Tim Russert most prominently, demands that Obama distance himself from Louis Farakhan (who supports Obama) even though Obama has never accepted his endorsement and has denounced his beliefs. Meanwhile, McCain cavorts with nutbags like Pat Robertson and John Hagee and the media doesn't grill him.

Anyway, check out the video that Donohue is pissed at Hagee for, in which he calls Catholics whores who are responsible for Hitler's madness.