Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Perspectives on Obama's Speech on Race

I had the Rev. Irene Monroe on the program on Tuesday, a lesbian minister who has been critical of Obama for quite some time and has written much on Jerimiah Wright, whom she sees as hostile toward LGBTs. She wrote a piece on Bilerico, which crystallizes her thoughts on Obama, Wright and Obama's speech.

Rod McCullom came on the show today and gave a definitively different perspective on Wright and Trinity United: "Rev. Wright has an inclusive, gay-friendly ministry and Trinity is one of the few black megachurches to actively encourage LGBT outreach."

On Friday, Pam Spaulding will join me on the show to talk about the discussion that Obama was brave enough to broach. She wrote her heartfelt thoughts today over at her place, noting the "desperate need for engagement on the topic of race." (Please listen in and engage with us in our discussion, Friday 3:30 ET.)