Friday, May 30, 2008

"By this time next week, it will all be over"

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi want the endless campaign to end, now. The Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House are contacting uncommitted superdelegates to demand they make up their mind and pick a candidate by the end of primary season on June 3rd.

We'll go through it all on the show today: Just want is going to happen this weekend? Reid and Pelosi will be at the DNC's rules meeting on Saturday, which will decide the fate of the Florida and Michigan delegations. The rules committee could choose a number of options, but Clinton aides have privately acknowledged that they lack the votes on the committee to get their most desired outcome. Depsite this and other realities like her campaign's enourmous debt, Clinton continues to fight on. But at this rate, it looks like the only thing Hillary stands to win is a drinking contest.