Sunday, May 25, 2008

Listener Survey Comments -- and the New Blog!

Okay, what do you think of the new blog and site and all the video and all else? Let me know your thoughts.

Below, as promised, the listener survey comments I've read on the air. I realize I didn't post the last batch, so I'm posting a condensed version of the two recent readings. Enjoy the holiday weekend.
I have been listening to the show for six months and I can't get enough. Michelangelo's piercing political commentary cuts through all of the bullshit that plagues most mainstream media. Listening to the show has inspired me to start educating myself on political issues and other news relevant to the GLBT community. I used to hate hearing about politics, and now I find myself engaging others in political discussion all the time. I have even turned my father on to your show! I also enjoy the lighter discussions such as the recent interview with the author of "Simpsonology," and the "clips of the week" always make me laugh out loud. I only wish there were more shows like yours! Thanks for doing what you do, and keep it up!!!

Overall, good show. I listen because of it's uniqueness but wish Michelangelo would stop repeating himself so many times. It wastes a material amount of time that could be spent taking interviews/caller discussions to the next level.

LOVE my favorite provocator (sp?), Michael. Some days I'm cheering him and others I'm cursing at the radio yelling, "OH...COME...ON!" Perfect balance for what good radio talk should provide. For example, I was furious with MAS early on in the Dem. primary process for being SO pro-Hillary. Now, I'm aggravated with him for being SO pro-Barack. (there may have even been one day, nee one hour of pro-Edwards) Then, I realized that he's really pro-front runner in his hunger to get a November victory for the Dems. THAT, I can support. Also, as a former Communication Professor, I used to cringe at some of his "Michael-isms", but they're getting better and/or they're growing on me! RIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGHT? Thank you for the intelligent, thought provoking and NEVER dull radio. You make gas guzzling blissful! Be well, Dean

Maybe add more positive or life-affirming things to the hard-hitting stuff. Sometimes too negative after a hard day at work.

I've been listening close to 5 years, and love the show. I tend to get a lot out of mike's views, and tend to lean toward agreeing. At times I felt he favored Obama and other times favored Clinton. The time I felt I needed the show the most was after the 2004 election travesty. I remember Mike coming off vacation when McGreevey resigned. You make my ride home from work.

New listener from Canada. I enjoy your show and have enjoyed listening to your coverage of the way too long elections. Thanks for the show and keep it up. Tim

I started listening to the show in January 2008 after buying my new car since Sirius was included. It has become my favorite show on Sirius. I am cursed to live in downstate Illinois and have an MA in Political Science. No one would hire me to work for them because I wasn't one of the following: 23, republican, straight, or a gay man. Lots of gay men get into politics here, but it's tough for women. Anyway, venting over. Thanks for giving me my daily political fix. Keep keeping it real!

Love; Love; Love the show!!! Would like to maybe hear a bit more about transgendered issues (after the election, of course).

Love the show. Helps me feel more connected to the real world (I live in the "reddest county in the country" according to Often listen with my kids in the car or near by. The only request/ criticism is language. I understand the audience is largely adult and geared to adults, but on occasion I cringe and have to turn the radio off if my kids are near by. Other than that I look forward to listening in as much as I can!

Generally it is a very well thought out and easily followed show. On occasion Michael goes on a tangent and refuses to let sleeping dogs lie, but even on these shows the talk is entertaining
When will Mike show us boys his beautiful legs!

I can barely listen to standard media after listening to your show. Their coverage, especially regarding Hillary, is so biased. I believe in holding everyone's feet to the fire and I hear you doing that. Our country desperately needs more honest journalism.

I appreciate the way you present stories in a way that is not offensive (I am sensitive and psychic-oriented) and I mean when I say I think you are a genius at your trade. If others could benchmark your insightfulness and respectful manner of presentation the media could really become a community hub rather than the feeling that reporters are hired hands for the rich and powerful. I believe one person does make a difference when they change to be what they believe in, they will encourage others to take the high road. Ok, well, I see you as someone who is making a difference, and thank you. I have a sense that you care what happens to people like me who are usually left out of every group so I say thank you again for making your show a place that feels like a home. Love, Caroline
p.s. The thing I don't like is celebrity interviews and them trying to sell a product. It doesn’t really gel with your show. I have faith in you and believe that if a celebrity wants to call in and it’s on topic to the discussion they should have equal opportunity with the rest of the audience. I suggest celebrities do a short written or video abstract of what they are selling and maybe it could be put on your website possibly with your comments…but it feels offensive when they are on your show and really all the shows on OutQ…the shows are great but when celebrities come on it creates a whole other vibe that I turn the channel when it happens. I like to show my support to OutQ by being tuned in and I thought it might be important to OutQ also that I stay tuned in. Sometimes I don't tune back in for a long time because it feels so offensive the way celebrities always get rewarded as if they are better than other people, and usually they change our culture for the worst by being ego driven and short sighted, driven only by the almighty dollar. Dear managers of OutQ, hear my prayer. Please do something if you understand the bigger picture.