Friday, June 06, 2008

Ecumenical Ellipticals

If you thought push-ups were hard, try them with a cross on your back! There is a new gym franchise out there and it's catering specifically to Christians. It's called (I'm not making this up) "Lord's Gym" and currently has 15 locations around the country. Oh and surprise, the for-profit chain was started in Florida.

"Its goal, says its owner, Paul Sorchy, a chiropractor, is to provide a modest setting where members can feel comfortable exercising...

The gym offers classes including “Yogod,” its take on yoga, and “Chariots of Fire,” a spinning class. Spaghetti-strap tank tops and short shorts are not allowed, and women’s tops must cover their bottoms...

“Many people want to have a quality atmosphere that’s not involved in the meat-market setting, that’s serious about workouts,” Dr. Sorchy said."

Isn't the "meat-market setting" the whole point of going to the gym? Hopefully they'll be selling Pat Robertson's weight loss shake (They'll flush the devil right out of you). But seriously, why are these fundamentalists so determined to plaster their "christian values" onto everything, even sweat pants?

I think we'll have some fun with this one on the show today. Suggest some "religious exercises" the gym can offer in the comments!