Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Big Fat Gay Wedding

We will definitely be getting into this on the show today, and you'll probably have a range of opinions. Now that we have the right to marry in California, many couples are wondering what kinds of wedding they want to have. But, some gay rights leaders are urging people to make sure their weddings aren't too, well, "gay."

Images from gay weddings, said Lorri L. Jean, chief executive of the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, could be used by opponents in a campaign designed to persuade California voters that gays and lesbians should not have the right to marry. Those getting married, she cautioned, should never lose sight of what they might be supplying to the other side.Sitting close to his husband-to-be in the audience, hairstylist Kendall Hamilton nodded and said he knew just what she meant. No "guys showing up in gowns," he said...

"One of the things about the gay and lesbian community is we're known for our outrageousness, our flamboyance," said West Hollywood City Councilman John Duran, who is president of the board of directors of Equality California, an organization pushing for same-sex marriage. "But we're under this incredible political pressure not to have those portrayals" right now.
Ugh, you know, we should be able to celebrate our weddings however we want. This whole "be careful with what you do, the straights might get offended" shtick is getting a little old and doesn't work. And what's wrong with a man in a dress? Straight people get to have whatever kinds of marriages they want and so should we. Hell, they even have Star Trek themed weddings.