Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sick and Twisted Wingnut: Obama Responsible for Boy Rape

The deranged right-wing pundit Kevin McCullough is at it again: This time he's claiming, without a shred of evidence, that gay men are "raping" young teens, and that Barack Obama's supposed policies are fueling it:

The sad thing is that in the CDC's analysis they casually mention that the age group of "man" that is most at risk presently in the HIV surge are black boys 13-24 years of age.

13 years of age?

Why are HIV infected adult males raping 13 year old boys? Why are they getting away with it? Why aren't even the most compassionate in the radical homosexual activist ranks condemning the actions?

Is it perhaps because Obama's message, like the social liberals he looks up to who preceded him, is merely, "make sure you use a condom!"

McCollough is referencing a study that is alarming, showing a rise in HIV infection among young gay men, particularly men of color, but nowhere does the study say anything about rape -- or even about who is having sex with whom in terms of age. It merely specifies an age group that is most at risk. Presumably many in this age group are teens having sex with other teens -- and they are at risk precisely because people like McCollough deny them safer sex education and want to promote abstinence until heterosexual marriage, which is of course telling them to go "ex-gay." This demented "rape" claim is flat out homophobia coming from a man who's hatred knows no bounds.

Furthermore, McCollough doesn't even quote Obama talking about condoms; he points to the positions of Obama supporter Rep. Henry Waxman -- a staunch defender of safer sex education -- and then concludes that "Obama and his ilk" push the "Gospel of Condoms," with no discussion of what Barack Obama's actual thoughts about condom distribution are. He then concludes that these supposed positions of Obama's -- or as McCollough puts it, the "lie" that condoms work -- are actually making young men get infected with HIV, yet another twisted, distorted, ugly smear the religious fundies have put out for years, and one that is antithetical to all the science and is killing people. McCullough takes the cake when it comes to desperate, insane, wingnut rhetoric. But he is apparently the beginning of an assault the religious conservatives will make on Obama regarding sex ed. I say, bring it on!

UPDATE: I was focused on the "rape" charge I forgot to point out McCullough's attack on politicians who did not initially call for quarantining people with AIDS and take other "common sense steps" to contain HIV early on. Again, more crazy throwback stuff, and pretty desperate, but nonetheless dangerous rhetoric coming from the wingnuts in their assault on Obama:

Elected officials should have called for quarantine for the public good, forced those who were diagnosed early on to notify past partners, and a whole bunch of other common sense steps.