Friday, June 13, 2008

Weddings Announcement

California starts officially issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples on Monday. But there are still a few problems lingering in the air. County Clerks in Kern and Butte Counties have decided that they will issue marriage licenses to gay couples but stop officiating at all weddings--gay or straight. We're talking about equality here, people!

"In a news release last week, [Kern County Clerk Ann] Barnett blamed budgetary reasons for halting the ceremonies and said her staff will stop officiating at weddings because of lack of staff and space. But e-mail exchanges between Barnett and a conservative Christian legal group published recently in the local newspaper seem to indicate that Barnett based her decision on her opposition to same-sex marriage."
Yes Ann, this is obviously all about the budget, you homophobe. Gay rights activists are undeterred and announced plans to hold weddings outside of the county clerks office in Bakersfield. In a show of how progressive the area is, the Kern County police reassured activists that people exchanging legally sanctioned nuptials on public property wouldn't be arrested. PROGRESS!