Friday, June 20, 2008

Working Against Your Self-Interest Pt. 1

So, angry Hillary supporters have been getting considerable play in the media for some time now, and the disappointment is understandable -- until they go nuclear and say they're going to vote for McCain, something we've dealt with on the show in recent weeks. Now the latest Clinton supporter in the spotlight who says he is publicly working against Barack Obama is also gay. Washington D.C. resident Will Bower established a group called 'Party Unity, My Ass' or PUMA for short, which seeks to "let people know that they don't have to vote for Barack Obama." Did someone not mention to Bower that Karl Rove and a bevy of other religious-nut right-wing fascists also plan on letting people know "they don't have" to vote for Obama?

“At this stage of the game, I’m planning to vote for McCain,” [Bower] said. “That’s me as an individual. I’m not speaking for PUMA or its members.”
AHHH! OK, enough of this insanity already! As we've said before on the program, voting for McCain is a really dumb idea -- especially if you are gay. Look, we know you aren't happy about the outcome of the primary, but there are things right now that are WAY bigger than either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.