Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"No on Prop 8" Campaign Revs Up

Andy Towle has a report from last night's big Beverly Hills fundraiser to raise money to beat Prop 8. Amid reports of a shake-up in the campaign recently, and some dissatisfaction with the ads being run from our side, this is welcome news:

"'No on Prop 8' raised at least $3.9 million from last night's event! Ron Burkle underwrote the entire evening so that every dollar donated went to the No on Prop 8 campaign. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom donated $100,000. David Hyde Pierce donated $50,000. They also announced that in the past two weeks, 'No on 8' had taken in $10 million to the 'Yes on Proposition 8' campaign's $2 million. If I'm doing my math correctly, at this point we should be fairly even with the bigots in terms of funds raised...

"...Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa stated that the campaign was trying to reach out to Hispanic voters and that he would volunteer to be the face of the television ads and the voice of the radio ads."