Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today's Show: Lincoln, Obama and Gay Equality

At 3:30 ET: We'll be looking back, like many, on Abraham Lincoln's life on the anniversary of his 200th Birthday. What we'll be talking about, however -- what you're not seeing in most of the media -- is his intimate life, the evidence that he was loved men, why it's important and how that would have affected his thinking on equality.

I'll be replaying some clips from my interview with historian Jean Baker, who wrote the introduction to the late C.A. Tripp's The Intimate Life of Abraham Lincoln. We'll also go through some of the points in Evan Wolfson's terrific essay on Huffington Post, which brings Obama into this: What Would Lincoln Do?

At 4:30 ET. Kellog dumped Michael Phelps after the bong photos circulated. Now Kellog seems a bit jarred by the energy of a boycott, let by groups like the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana, or Norml. I'll speak with executive director Allan St. Pierre.