Thursday, April 16, 2009

NY Marriage Battle

Gov. Paterson announces marriage bill today, and foes are gearing up. Newly installed Archibisop Dolan vowing to stop it, as is Archhomophobe State Senator Ruben Diaz:

Diaz, one of three Democrats in the state senate who have openly defected over this issue, has called on the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization to meet on Thursday, the same day that the bill is slated to be introduced according to the New York Daily News.

"I think this is the wrong time to do it," Diaz said, according to the New York Post. He added that the incoming legislation is a particular insult to the newly installed archbishop Timothy Dolan. "[Paterson] is doing this as a welcoming ceremony for the new Catholic? It's ridiculous."

Diaz also warned Paterson that he should refrain from attending Dolan's welcoming ceremony at New York's famed St. Patrick's Cathedral.