Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today's Show: Did U.S. Troops Commit Atrocities Against Gay Iraqis?

4:30 ET, I'll speak with Kevin Naff, editor of The Washington Blade, which has published a shocking story that, if proven true, would be scandal beyond proportions: according to gay refugees, U.S. troops detained and then executed gay Iraqis. The refugees who told a stunned audience -- and showed graphic photos -- at a fundraising event at Human Rights Campaign headquarters in DC for an LGBT group in Lebanon. If this is a hoax, it must be proven so, and certainly is a story. If it is not, then it is a grave violation of international law and warrants a full investigation and prosecution.

More disturbingly, however, has been what seems like a desire by gay groups not to investigate further a story that could be an explosive political minefield. Naff wrote in a commentary that he received criticism for reporting on the event and the photos. He will join me to discuss the possibilities and ramifications of this story, as well as the complaints he received.