Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Today on the Signorile Show

Yesterday, we told you about a story of Dr. George Reker, one of the co-founders of the anti-gay group Family Reasearch Council, who had taken a European vacation with a "rent boy," whom, after it was reported in the Miami New times, Rekers claims he hired to carry around his luggage. We also told you about previous testimony he gave in a case regarding Florida's gay adoption ban, which was decided as being unconstitutional. According to reports, Rekers was paid$87,000 for his testimony, claiming that LGBT parents are mentally unstable to be fit parents. And where did the $87,000 come from? The Florida tax payers. We'll get to the bottom of it this afternoon amd we'll be asking you to call the Family Research Council.

We also talked about the arrest of Faisal Shahzad, the 30 year old naturalized American Citizen from Pakistan who planted bomb making materials in a Nissan Pathfinder near Times Square Saturday night. He was arrested late Monday night, while he was on a plane to Dubai, at the gate. Lots of blathering speculation but what are the real facts surrounding his ability to get on the play though he was on a no-fly list? We'll get into it.

Though security cameras actually didn't lead to the arrest -- or stop the potential attack -- authorities think they could be better equipped, "by expanding a controversial surveillance system so sensitive that it will pick up even suspicious behavior." Are we going to far and are these methods effective? We'll discuss this afternoon.

Conservative Tea Party Activists are trying to figure out ways in which they can shed the perceptions of racism they have been labeled with over the past year, gearing up for the mid-term elections. "We don't want the worst elements to take this over... If they do, the tea party loses independents, it loses moderates, it loses people who don't tolerate this. Being a racist is one of the worst things you can be in this society. No one wants to be labeled this." Brendan Steinhauser, campaign director for FreedomWorks, tells the Washington Post. Maybe they should have thought about that before bringing racists into their groups and letting them speak for them? We'll discuss.

Guest / 3:30pm EST - Paul Yandura, political strategist and activist, joins us this afternoon to discuss the protests at the White House to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and the role he has played to help make these protest effective.

Guest / 4:30pm EST - Joe Jervis of Joe.My.God. spends some time with us to talk about Family Research Co-Founder, Dr. George Rekers and his vacation with rent boy "Lucien," who he claims he hired just to carry around his luggage.

Back in November, we assessed the loss in Maine, a loss we know shouldn't have happened had President Obama come out and show more support for passing marriage equality. In another weak attempt to reach out to the LGBT Community, the White House is now offering a movie night to try and bury the hatchet. John Aravosis of AmericaBLOG writes, "This White House often seems to give the impression that it believes cocktails, movie night, gay bands in parades, and Easter egg rolls can take the place of real civil rights advances like ENDA, DOMA and DADT... I get the importance of access. But as HRC has shown, time and again, access without impact is meaningless, and in fact, counterproductive." Should leaders of the LGBT community accept the invitation or decline and express that if they really want to reach out to the community, they need to start implementing legislation for equality?

A town is Massachusetts is banning bottled water to find environmental degridation. What do you think? We'll discuss.

All this and more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!

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