Monday, June 16, 2014

Today on The Signorile Show!

3:35pm ET - Last Monday President Barack Obama announced a plan that would cap monthly payments as a percentage of a borrower's income which could ease the burden for heavily indebted college graduates, yet following this announcement, another attempt to help borrowers hit an obstacle on Wednesday when Sen. Warren's student loan refinancing bill was blocked in the Senate when proponents failed to get the 60 votes needed to overcome a Republican filibuster. Joining us to discuss the failure of Sen. Warrens Bill and the Presidents “Pay As You Earn” program and what it means for those with a high level of federal student loans compared to their income is Katy Murphy of the San Jose Mercury News.

4:35pm ET - On November 5, 2008, the nation awoke to a New York Times headline that read triumphantly: “OBAMA.  Racial Barrier Falls in Heavy Turnout.” But new events quickly muted the declarations of a post-racial era in America: from claims that Obama was born in Kenya to depictions of Obama in conservative cartoons that showed him surrounded by racist stereotypes like watermelons and fried chicken.  Despite the proclamations that we are now living in a color-blind, post-racial country, the grim reality is that implicit racial biases are more entrenched than ever.  Joining us today to discuss how racial fears, coded language, and implicit racism are drawn upon and manipulated by the political Right is Matthew Hughey, one of the authors of the new book titled The Wrongs of the Right, which sets post-racial claims into relief against a background of pre- and post-election racial animus directed at Obama, his administration, and African Americans.  

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