Friday, August 19, 2016

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

On Tuesday night, Donald Trump tried to argue (to a mostly white crowd) in West Bend, Wisconsin that he is the candidate who will best represent the interests of African-Americans.  Yet according to Julia Craven who is a politics reporter for The Huffington Post his speech fell completely flat and his remarks showed once again why Trump ― who was polling at zero percent of the black vote in July ― has so much trouble in appealing to African-American voters.  Julia joins me on the show today to talk all about Trump’s attempts to appeal to the African-American community as well as what period of time Trump is referring to when he says he wants to make America great again. 

On Thursday, The Department of Justice announced that the federal government will stop relying on private prisons to house inmates, phasing them out over the next few years. Yet while this announcement is a major step in the right direction it will not dislodge private prisons altogether from the American criminal justice system.  Joining me today to talk all about the announcement and the reforms that are still needed is Mark Joseph Stern who covers the law and LGBTQ issues for Slate.

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