Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

White House advisor Stephen Miller has helped steer the Trump administration's anti-immigrant agenda. National affairs correspondent at The NationJeet Heer, writes about Miller and how he is more in the mainstream of the GOP than many think. He joins me on the show today to talk all about Miller, the Republican Party and more.

A major new immigration policy implemented by the Trump administration will make it far easier to deny green cards to low-income immigrants. As a ProPublica investigation into agency documents reveals, the policy applies differently to active-duty military compared to veterans—meaning a retired soldier has a different set of rules than an active duty one. Reporter Yeganeh Torbati joins me on the show today to talk all about the different rules and how the Pentagon lobbied for exemptions while Veterans Affairs did not.

Today we are joined by historian and professor at San Francisco State University, Charles Postel, to discuss his new book, Equality, An American Dilemma 1866-1896an in-depth study of American social movements following the Civil War and what lessons they present to us today. He joins me today to talk about the advocacy and exclusion among different groups then and how they shaped American history.

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