Wednesday, February 20, 2008

McCain Sort of Denies Romantic Involvement with Lobbyist

This, even though he was in bed with her, so to speak, regarding all of clients. The New York Times brings forth a trove of stuff regarding McCain's sloppy, hypocritical, sometimes reckless political behavior -- for which he seems to apologize over and over again -- including his connection to the blonde lobbyist, who some of his staffers believed he was involved with romantically. (And he's got the gall to call out Obama for his appearing to back away a bit on his pledge for public financing in the general election. This stuff in the article pales in comparison.)

And the extra, added bonus is that the fundies and hard right, who still are pissed at McCain and vowing not to support him, are going to be further turned off by the alleged infidelity!

Jay Severin, right-wing radio host, is telling Dan Abrams on MSNBC that McCain offered a "non-denial denial" that is similar to that of "a president" ten years ago. McCain told the Times he has "never betrayed the public trust," but didn't address the actual claims. Talking Points Memo has the statement from the McCain campaign. There's actually talk among the conservative TV blatherers of Romney jumping back in, since he only "suspended" his campaign. Hilarious!

UPDATE: Bay Buchanan, who worked for the Williard Romney's campaign, is breathing fire on CNN, absolutely furious! Says the Times held the story rather than torpedo McCain earlier and let Mitt win -- though there is not a shred of evidence of that -- and now is out to "hurt the Republican Party." Yes, the same New York Times that served up all the bogus Clinton scandals in the 1990s. Anyway, I'm loving this, as McCain backed the state marriage ammendment in Arizona because it's supposedly the gays -- not the straying straight moralists -- who are destroying the institution of marriage. Hoist those petards!