Friday, February 06, 2009

Today's Show: More New Life Church Revelations?

At 4:30 ET, I'll speak with Bobby Brown, a bail bondsman, investigator and sometime bounty hunter, who has been looking into New Life Church, Ted Haggard and a lot of the goings-on there for several years. Yes, it just gets more out-of-control as you dig deeper, and the cast of characters is interesting to say the least: Brown is one of the bounty hunters on A&E's hit series "Dog and the Bounty Hunter."

Brown has not gone public with his investigation yet -- which he is doing on his own time, and for no money -- but says he has seven more cases of inappropriate relationships between Ted Haggard and young men as well as information on other people and incidents in the church, and has agreed to come on and talk about some of the information he's uncovered.

The fact that Brown has felt compelled to investigate New Life on his own raises a question I've been asking for a while and which I'll ask him: Where is local law enforcement? Are the megachurches of Colorado Springs -- as well as Focus on the Family -- so powerful that they've suppressed the city and the state from investigating? Grant Haas's story, which we revealed much more of this week, certainly underscores that there is a lot more going on, and much of it could be criminal activity. Isn't it time for a federal investigation?

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ. Sirius 109, XM 98. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free three-day pass.

UPDATE: Will post some audio or video of this interview on Monday.