Elena Kagan wrapped up her part in the Supreme Court nomination hearing, yesterday discussing -- or not -- marriage equality, talking more (or less) about "don't, ask, don't tell" and offering a bit (very little) on abortion. We'll go through it all.
President Obama is giving a major speech on immigration right now. Is it anything new? Will it satisfy? Actions or words? We'll listen in and also play some of his speech from yesterday rightly clobbering the GOP on financial reform.
A Democratic Congresswoman slipped and revealed the true timeline on ENDA: five years away! This is surely going to cause a dust-up, and we'll be in the middle of that today.
The Dept of Housing and Urban Development has announced guidelines on LGBT housing discrimination complaints. What does it mean? We'll get into it.
Guest 3:30 ET: What is really going on with the incredible story of the doctor who is treating pregnant woman to prevent lesbianism? Alice Dreger, Professor of Medical Humanities and Bioethics at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, who's written much on this, joins me to discuss it.
Guest 4:30 ET: Jeff Anderson, the man who has taken on the Vatican and got a big win at the Supreme Court when the court refused last week an appeal by the Vatican -- arguing immunity as a sovereign state -- to halt a lawsuit against the Vatican and the Pope on behalf of a sex abuse victim. Now, the Pope may be deposed.
Should LGBT groups sign on to the boycott of Arizona over it's draconian immigration law? NGLTF and HRC have done so, but the Log Cabin Republicans claim it's wrong. You all know that I see the importance of this and am not shocked by gay Republicans' stance. But we'll put the question to you and take your calls.
And it's Thursday, listener survey comments! All that and more.Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.
And it's Thursday so we'll read some listener survey comments!
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
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