Let's go through the massive Washington Post series on the "fourth branch of government," which they headline "Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation." The first installment, yesterday, is called "A Hidden World, Growing Beyond Control." It's getting lots of coverage on the cable networks and Post reporters worked on for two years and the paper is hyping it big time. But I must say that going through, it there's nothing shocking even if alarming: A gigantic overreaction to 9/11 was something many of us were warning about for years, not just because of the huge money pit but most importantly because of the civil liberties implications even as we are not much "safer" than we were. And that's pretty much what the story points to. Lots of facts and details about what we do and how much it costs, with no confirmation if any of it works. We'll get into it.
The U.N. has given recognition finally to the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, over the objections of Russia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and with the support, for the first time, of the United States.
Guest / 3:30pm EST - Three powerful antibodies have been dicsovered by US government scientists to combat 91% of HIV strains. Mark Schoofs outlines this in a recent article for the Wall Street Journal and joins us this afternoon to talk about them.
Guest / 4:30pm EST - We played some audio of the JONAH ex-gay survivors yesterday afternoon, talking about the absurdness of these types of programs. Ben Unger and Chaim Levin join us this afternoon to tell us their stories.
Further proving just how dangerous closeted gay politicians can be, California Legislator Roy Ashburn, outed last year after a drunk-driving bust, has apologized for his antigay votes and explained them a bit more. Lots to discuss here.
Did Justice Ginsburg plant a "time bomb" for a future marrage decision? We actually had commented on this back when the Supremes ruled against the Christian Legal Society. We'll get into it more today.
And why do some lesbians like to watch gay male porn? An interesting detail revealed in the new film, The Kids Are Alright, and we're going to ask women to call in today to explain -- or perhaps tell us why they think it's just plain not true or overblown or totally wrong.
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