Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Part II: Rosie Calls Re: GOP-Voting Gays

The day after I took calls on the show from those gay people who explained why they cast a ballot for a Republican, I asked listeners to respond to the prior day's calls. Todd from Phoenix, a gay man, called to tell me that he didn't like my criticism of the GOP voters, that he too voted Republican, and that gay issues (marriage in particular) just don't matter to him. Then Rex from South Carolina called to say, "I used to be just like Todd" until I heard Rosie O'Donnell interviewed on the show, telling her story. Rosie happened to be listening at that moment and called in to explain how it was Evan Wolfson of Freedom to Marry who convinced her why marriage equality is important. A terrific exchange of ideas and an example of how great a format radio is for discussion.