Monday, March 21, 2011

Today on the Signorile Show

Are we at war again? What began as a "no-fly zone" has morphed into a full scale attack, with American cruise missiles and air strikes hitting Libyan targets. The U.S. is suddenly in another conflict in the Muslim world. This time there was even less debate in this country than before the Iraq invasion and early polls showed Americans against military intervention. What is the end-game for the U.S. and the allies? How does the president justify remaining allied with Bahrain, which has brutally cracked down on protesters, as well as other dictatorial Arab regimes, while defending the rebels with force in Libya? And what of the American media, which seems to love the beginnings of wars -- lots of urgent breaking news alerts, cool graphics and theme music cued up -- but then likes to forget about them later on? We'll take your calls on all this and more.

Apple has now received over 100,000 petitions to get rid of an "ex-gay" app they peddle on the iPhone. What should the company do? We'll get into it.

Guest / 3:30pm EST - Is 90 really the new 50? Susan Jacoby, author of Never Say Die: The Myth and Marketing of the New Old Age, joins us today to debunk the myths that the Baby Boomers could be "forever young" promoted by the media and health guru's and highlights the health and financial problems this generation will face as they age.

Guest / 4:30pm EST - Steve Clemons, editor of The Washington Note and Senior Fellow with the New America Foundation, joins us this afternoon to discuss what's going on in Libya and how long we can expect to be there.

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

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