Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SXM Progress

As the nation slowly reopens to business as usual, there have been two mass shootings in the last two weeks. The thoughts and prayers keep coming in but the GOP is seemingly unwilling to make the changes needed. Joining me today to talk all about this and so much more is Igor Volsky, the Founder and Executive Director of Guns Down America.

It’s only guns that we put into this little box, and we’ve gotten into this habit where politicians only talk about it in this really reactive way after a mass shootingIgor Volsky of Guns Down America spoke about the epidemic of gun violence in America on the show today.

Since we last spoke with Mark Joseph Stern of Slate last week a lot has happened, Chief Justice Roberts is going after the antiquities act, DC Statehood is coming back to a vote, Justice Sotomayor dissent from closing the doors to trials, Justice Gorsuch has some seemingly alarming view of unions as well as . Mark returns to the show today to talk all about these issues and so much more.

Our good friend Joe Sudbay returns to the show today to talk about the wake of mass shootings we have seen and the need to reform our nation's gun laws.

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Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 3-6 pm ET on SiriusXM Progress 127 and on the SiriusXM apps. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free thirty-day pass or go to the app store and download SiriusXM for free and listen on your phone.