Monday, July 21, 2008

Back Live Today on the Show

I had a restful and productive week (yes you can do both!), taking off from the show, going to Fire Island for a few days and then on to Netroots Nation in Austin. Watched Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi field questions, met up with a lot of new commentators and bloggers as well as long-time friends from the show, like Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend, pictured here with me at dinner out on Saturday night.

We'll talk a bit about NN on the show today, and of course we have so much else to get into as well, from Obama's trip to saggy pants in Illinois to Dobson getting inducted into the radio hall of fame and now sucking up to McCain -- and on and on. I was writing here throughout the week, but obviously not much, so we have a lot of catching up to do.