HA! Silly Goose, American Fascism is Already Here
In a new article for the American Spectator, former Reagan official Jeffrey Lord claims that a President Obama would lead the nation down the road of "fascism." Here are some choice quotes that had us in stitches:
Obama is laying the ground work here for the potential banning of SUVs as well as pushing regulations that will tell all of us at exactly what temperatures we must heat or cool our homes...First, we want to warn Lord that using a tin foil hat will actually amplify messages those "fascist obamalanders" are beaming into your brain Second, we really think Lord should stay away from lobbing the "fascism bomb" around. After all, it's not like the Bush Administration has set up secret prisons, spyed on US citizens without warrants, sent people to jail on false pretenses and fought against habeas corpus. Nope that doesn't sound like creeping fascism at all.
In this Obamaland vision the state would mandate that every heating and cooling system in a private dwelling include a "non-removable" FM receiver that would allow the government to decide the temperature inside your home...
Also on Obama's list of things he either wants to ban or has considered banning are ammunition magazines, semi-automatic weapons, smoking (to be resolved with a federal ban on smoking in public places) and -- at one now infamous campaign rally -- Muslim women wearing the hijab...
What freedoms will next be targeted with that deadliest trademark of an Obamalander -- moral superiority? What do we have when the sole purpose of the government as run by the chilling principles of Obamaland is to "use the political process" to remove freedoms large and small one by one by one?
Someone needs to speak it plainly.
The word is fascism.