Monday, September 15, 2014

Today On The Signorile Show!

3:35pm ET - Last Friday, Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was indicted in a Texas court for injuring his 4 year old son.  According to the police report, his son shoved one of his siblings off a video game, and in response, Peterson snatched a tree branch, shoved the leaves in the child’s mouth and proceeded to beat him on the legs, ankles, back, buttocks, and scrotum, and according to the son, this kind of beating has occurred before.  Joining us to discusses this case and explain what actually constitutes child abuse across the US is Mark Joseph Stern of Slate.

5:05pm ET - In the wake of the spate of recent police shootings of unarmed black men across the country this summer, many people on the right have tried to argue that these horrific cases had nothing to do with racial prejudices and that America is now a post-racial society.  However according to Stephen Eric Bronner, a distinguished professor of Political Science at Rutgers University and a member of the Executive Committee of UNESCO Chair for Genocide Prevention, bigotry in the 21st century isn't withering away—it’s finding new targets and camouflaging itself better than ever.  In his new book The Bigot: Why Prejudice Persist, he examines bigotry in its various dimensions—anthropological, historical, psychological, sociological, and political;  illustrating how the bigot’s intense hatred of “the other” is a direct reaction to social progress, liberal values, secularism, and an increasingly complex and diverse world.  He joins us today to discuss his book and offer a deeper analysis of bigots themselves: Why they hate, who they hate, and how they hate.

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