Monday, December 10, 2007

Huckabee Horrors

And here we all thought it was Hillary's candidacy that would take us back to the crazy world of Arkansas politics, Clinton conspiracies and male genitalia.

It's fascinating how Mike Huckabee's role in helping to get parole for a serial rapist (who raped a distant cousin of Bill Clinton's and was castrated after his arrest -- either by himself or others), as well as Huckabee's having called for quarantining people with AIDS were both stories known for years, and only now that he's surging in the polls is the media catching up. The media hacks are either showing their usual incompetence or this is a Karl Rove-run campaign against Huckabee on behalf of one of the other candidates. Or both. Whatever the case, Huckabee is not fessing up and now sounds like the rest of the shady Republican candidates. The only think he can bank on is that the Clinton haters will stick with him no matter how much he looks like a liar.