Yesterday, Judge Vaughn Walker heard the closing arguments from sides om the Prop 8 case in California. We told you about Walker questioning Olsen and Boise in the morning during their statements and according to the LA Times, Walker questioned Charles Cooper, the attorney for the proponents for Prop8, and "continually pressed the sometimes flustered Cooper on just what marriage means and why the state should care about it." We'll discuss the hearing of the closing arguments this afternoon with report Lisa Keen.
Hearings are already underway today at the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where BP CEO Tony Hayward is testifying about what went wrong nine weeks ago when the Deepwater Horizon Rig exploded, causing the worst environmental disaster in US history. We'll go over what legislators have said during the hearing and some of Hayward's response.
There is more in the scandalous life of possibly closeted Illinois Republican Senate candidate Mark Kirk, who has had his military service in question. This time, his teaching career has come under scrutiny. How has he exaggerated his teachings career? We'll go over that, today.
Guest / 3:30pm EST - Yesterday, we were updating you on the status of the closing arguments in the Prop 8 case, Perry vs. Schwarzenegger. Today, Lisa Keen, of Keen News Service, joins us to gives us more details of what was discussed in the courtroom yesterday.
Guest / 4:30pm EST - Openly gay singer and performer Matt Alber joins us in studio this afternoon to talk about being an openly gay artist and how this influences his music.
A new Washington Post/ABC poll has discovered that a majority of American's actually support the new Arizona immigration law, which would allow authorities to question the residency of suspected undocumented immigrants. Is this for real?! We'll go over this as well.
Have you taken the listener survey? If not, do so now! We'll be going over them today!
All these stories and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!
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Thursday, June 17, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
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