It's the 63rd day of the BP Oil Leak off the Gulf Coast, and as the oil continues to gush, the attention is now turning to those who are helping BP fix this catastrophe. One of those people is Hilary Rosen, former interim director for HRC. Prior to working with BP, she had been a editor with Huffington Post, who let her go when they found that their heavy coverage of BP was in conflict of interest with her involvement with BP's own branding clean up. What do BP, its PR disaster and the LGBT Community have in common? We'll discuss this afternoon.
In the beginning, we heard 1,000 barrel of oil a day. Then 5,000. Then 12,000. Then 20,000. THEN 60,000. NOW, released documents from BP by Congressman Ed Markey, chairman on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, are showing that BP knew that if something were to go wrong with the Gulf Rigs, it could potentially spill 100,000 barrels per day! We'll talk about this document today.
Guest / 3:30pm EST - There has been a lot of discussion as to what happened in 2008, when voters overturned a law allowing gay and lesbians the right to marry in California, establishing Prop 8. Patrick Egan joins us this afternoon to talk about the findings of a study he conducted, which makes the claim that funding for different proposition campaigns does not sway the mind of the voters.
Guest / 4:30pm EST - Bruce Watson, author of Freedom Summer: The Savage Season that Made Mississippi Burn and Made America a Democracy, joins us this afternoon to talk about the summer of 1964, which led many to Mississippi for grassroots campaigning and changed voting in the south forever.
The Senate has been pursuing legislation that would give the President authority to shut down the internet in the event that our national security were to be threatened by a cyber attack. Many technology experts are thinking that this may also be a way to censor the internet. Now, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is also saying that there needs to be stricter laws for regulating internet traffic in order to prevent more homegrown terrorists. Do you think the government needs to be monitoring for terrorism? We'll discuss today.
All these stories and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!
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Monday, June 21, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
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