Monday, June 16, 2008

Contraceptive-Free Zones

We'll definitely be getting into this on the 4th hour of the show today. As we all know, the radical religious right isn't content to have their own gyms and keep their crazy beliefs to themselves, they have to go around inflicting them on everyone else. Their latest push involves what they call "Pro-Life Pharmacies," where all kinds of contraceptives are kept out of stock. That means no condoms, no morning after-pill, no birth control and essentially no hope of preventing STD's or an unwanted pregnancy. Oh and btw, these pharmacies may have a total problem with female contraceptives, but hand out Viagra like they're cash settlements in a Catholic priest molestation trial.

John Bruchalski, who chairs Divine Mercy Care (the far right Catholic group opening some of these pharmacies) told the Washington Post that "We're trying not to leave our faith at the door, We're trying to create an environment where belief and professionalism come together."

Yes John, you shouldn't be asked to leave your faith at the door. In fact, instead of handing out anti-psychotic medications to people, why don't you just trepan them to get the evil spirits out.