Monday, June 30, 2008

Dick is Mad

So Dick Cheney is majorly pissed about the recent deal the State Department struck with North Korea on nuclear disarmament. In fact, the Dark Lord activley tried to block the agreement and when he didn't get his way he threw an absolute hissy fit:

Mr. Cheney was so angry about the decision to remove North Korea from the terrorism blacklist and lift some sanctions that he abruptly curtailed a meeting with visiting US foreign experts when asked about it in the White House last week, according to the New York Times "I'm not going to be the one to announce this decision. You need to address your interest in this to the State Department," he reportedly said before leaving the room.
Ha, Cheney stormed off to his room and slammed the door! Parents just don't understand! Of course, other neocons aren't happy either:
Danielle Pletka, vice-president of the American Enterprise Institute think-tank that was closely associated with first-term Bush administration policy, argued the deal would encourage nuclear proliferation. "The evolution of the administration's approach to North Korea has been an object lesson in muddled diplomacy, a 'how-not-to' guide for handling rogue states," she said.
Really, we thought the classic example of a "'how-not-to' guide for handing rogue states," might be the last 5 years in Iraq.