Sirius OutQ News Dirctor Tim Curran, working at our spot on Radio Row.

From the floor of the Pepsi Center during Michelle Obama's speech.
Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend hanging out by us on Radio Row after appearing on the show.
Pam blogging a photo of me blogging about the convention -- yes, very incestuous!
Blogging during a break on Radio Row.

I caught up with former Clinton White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers and we quite a long conversation about the Clintons.
Former California Governor Gray Davis expressing himself.

Congressman Jerry Nadler on the show, on Radio Row.

Chatting with Dennis Kucinich.

Conservative theocrat radio host Dennis Prager, who was broadasting right next to me on Radio Row.
Interviewing openly lesbian Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin.
Up in the Pepsi Center skybox as Hilary Clinton came out.

Activist Corey Johnson (on the Rules Committee of the DNC) and Andy Towle of (both of whom did some great coverage of the convention on Towleroad) chatting with me on air on Radio Row.

Invesco Field early in the day, as Stevie Wonder was rehearsing.
The view from our skybox, Jennifer Hudson rehearsing.
Invesco begins filling up.