Monday, November 21, 2016

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

Since the beginning of his campaign for President, self-proclaimed white nationalists have happily embraced Donald Trump, and now that he has won the Election they are jubilant and are praising his choice of Stephen K. Bannon as chief strategist, as a win for their agenda. But who are these ‘white nationalists’ and are they any different from the white supremacists like the KKK who we are all familiar with?  Joining me today to talk all about the growing white nationalist movement in the United States and in Europe is Eric Kaufmann, Professor of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London

President Elect Donald Trump and Republican leaders in Congress have for quite some time made it very clear that they are serious about repealing Obamacare, but according to Jonathan Cohn, Senior National Correspondent for The Huffington Post, don’t assume their dismantling of government health insurance programs will stop there.  For about two decades now, Republicans have been talking about radically changing the government’s two largest health insurance programs, Medicaid and Medicare; and Jonathan joins me today to talk all about how the health care safety net as we know it could be bound for extinction. 

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