Thursday, January 19, 2017

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

Noah Michelson, the Voices Editorial Director and Executive Editor of Queer Voices at The Huffington Post as well as the co-host of the Love + Sex Podcast returns to the show as he does every Thursday to help us close out the week with the stories making headlines over at Queer Voices.  Be sure to follow Noah of Twitter!

Last week, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions went before the Senate Judiciary Committee for his nomination hearing as President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to be Attorney General.  The hearing was quite contentious as Sen. Sessions was repeatedly questioned about his past racist comments and commitment to protecting civil and voting rights, and at one point Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey took the extraordinary step of testifying against his Senate colleague.  Joining me today to talk all about Sen. Sessions as our next Attorney General and why combating hate crimes must be a top priority for the Trump Administration, especially at this time when we have witnessed an alarming increase in bias-motivated violence in our country is Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.  

Don't forget, you can follow Michelangelo on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! 
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 3-6 pm ET on SiriusXM Progress 127 and on the SiriusXM iPhone, Blackberry and Android apps. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free thirty-day pass or, if you have an if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download SiriusXM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.