Thursday, August 31, 2017
Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127
Noah Michelson, the Voices Editorial Director and Executive Editor of Queer Voices at Huff Post as well as the co-host of the Love + Sex Podcast returns to the show as he does every Thursday to help us close out the week with the stories making headlines over at Queer Voices. Be sure to follow Noah of Twitter!
From the murders of Trayvon
Martin to Tamir Rice, a person doesn’t have very far to look in order to see
the evidence that that cops, politicians, and ordinary people are afraid of
black men, and according to former federal prosecutor and professor of law at
Georgetown University Paul Butler
the result of this fear is the laws and practices that treat every African
American man like a criminal. In his new book, Choke Hold: Policing Black
Men Paul shows
that with the support of judges and politicians black men are for forced to
live in a system that keeps them always under watch and in danger of police
violence. Paul joins me on the show
today to talk all about the book the reasons why current efforts to reform law
enforcement will not create lasting change.
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 3-6 pm ET on SiriusXM Progress 127 and on the SiriusXM apps. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free thirty-day pass or go to the app store and download SiriusXM for free and listen on your phone
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