Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

Trump kicked off the year by sending out incendiary tweets directed at other nations. From boasting about nuclear weapon capabilities to weighing in on the Iran protests to threatening to cut aid to Palestine and Pakistan, his remarks have radiated around the globe. But what are the foreign policy realities and actual implications? Washington editor-at-large for The Atlantic Steve Clemons joins me today to discuss the ramifications of Trump’s latest comments.

The Trump Administration has put the Census Bureau in crisis just two years before the 2020 Census. The nationwide count is mandated by the constitution and determines how political district lines are drawn, how hundreds of billions of dollars are allocated and much more. New efforts to appoint a controversial deputy director and add a question about immigration could threaten the upcoming Census. Senior Reporter at Mother Jones Ari Berman has written about the risks and joins me today to talk about them.

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