Friday, August 17, 2018

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

From stripping former officials of security clearances to lashing out at the press, Trump’s authoritarian streak was in full effect this week. Editor of Right Wing Watch and columnist for The American Prospect Adele Stan writes about how Trump and the White House are threatening the constitution while also distracting from damaging policies that they are unleashing on the country. 

This sure has been another crazy week in politics what with Trump’s retaliation against ex-CIA director John Brennan, Omarosa Manigault’s White House tapes, and the cancellation of Trump’s military parade.  Joining me today to help us wrap up the week in politics is Eleanor Clift the Washington correspondent for The Daily Beast, where she covers the White House and writes about politics and culture.  

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