Last week there was quite a bit of discussion on the blogs about a group of Christians who showed up at Chicago Pride "apologizing." It turned out though to be Andrew Marin," whose group, The Marin Foundation, Mike had exposed in an interview on the show and in an Advocate article back 2006 as a group all about building up Marin -- and very much still adhering to the "homosexuality is a sin" line. We'll go further into Marin's deceptive agenda, which is less about building a "bridge" between gays and evangelicals and more about having youth pastors intervene before gays "come out" -- in what seems like an attempt to stop them from being gay. In hour 3 (4 ET0 we'll play clips from a seminar he'd given to youth pastors, which we think you'll agree alarmingly sounds antigay, and we'll take your calls and thoughts.
Over the weekend on the Sunday shows, Republican's had given their reaction to RNC Chairman Michael Steele's comments regarding Afghanistan being a "war of Obama's choosing." Is Steele on his way out?
Day 75 of the BP Oil Gusher and after over two months of trying to contain the damage, there is now evidence of tar balls washing up on the shores of Texas, meaning now the oil has hit every Gulf Coast state.
The "Today Show" says that only straights may enter its wedding contest, even though five states in the U.S. now marry gays and lesbians legally. Is NBC actually violating anti-discrimination laws in New York? Why don't they include gays and lesbians? We'll talk about it and ask you to contact NBC.
Guest / 3:30pm EST - Do you think "true love" really exists and comes instinctively to humans? In Sex At Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality, authors Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha explore and debunk almost everything we think we know about sex and and offer explanations as to why we live and love the way we do. Christopher Ryan joins us this afternoon to talk about their findings.
More details about South Carolina mysterious Democratic candidate Alvin Greene. We'll go into it.
Arizona's new immigration law, also know as the Breathing While Brown law, is still gaining steam. Recently, Rick Sanchez played excerpts of a training video which is teaching Arizona law officials how to enforce this new law. Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend says, "the few minutes excerpted here, delivered by an attorney, are mind numbing." We'll go over this today as well.
All these stories and much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!
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Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
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