Friday, December 16, 2016

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

On Monday, ten members of the Electoral College sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking for a briefing before next week on “Russian election interference.” Citing Alexander Hamilton’s The Federalist Paper No. 68, the electors contend that they have a duty to ensure “that the American people elect a president who is constitutionally qualified and fit to serve.”  Joining me today to talk all about the effort to inform the Electoral College about the Russian hacking of the election is Christine Pelosi, a Democratic California elector and lead author of the letter to Clapper. 

Late Wednesday, Republicans in North Carolina’s General Assembly announced that they would gather for a special session supposedly to work on disaster relief for hurricane victims, but it appears that that was just a clever ruse and they were really planning a massive power grab which is being described as a ‘coup’.  Joining me today to talk all about Republican efforts in the Tar Heel state to maintain one-party rule by rejecting democratic norms and revoking the will of the voters is North Carolina State Rep. Chris Sgro who represents District 58 in Guilford County. 

This sure has been another crazy week in politics what with President Elect Trump picking the CEO of ExxonMobile to be Secretary of State, the CIA and the White House have said that Russia was behind the hacking of the DNC, and Republicans in North Carolina are launching what has been described a ‘coup d’etat’ or a ‘power grab’.  Joining me today to help us wrap up the week in politics is Eleanor Clift the Washington correspondent for The Daily Beast, where she covers the White House and writes about politics and culture. 

Don't forget, you can follow Michelangelo on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! 
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 3-6 pm ET on SiriusXM Progress 127 and on the SiriusXM iPhone, Blackberry and Android apps. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free thirty-day pass or, if you have an if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download SiriusXM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

Noah Michelson, the Voices Editorial Director and Executive Editor of Queer Voices at The Huffington Post as well as the co-host of the Love + Sex Podcast returns to the show as he does every Thursday to help us close out the week with the stories making headlines over at Queer Voices.  Be sure to follow Noah of Twitter!

Don't forget, you can follow Michelangelo on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! 
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 3-6 pm ET on SiriusXM Progress 127 and on the SiriusXM iPhone, Blackberry and Android apps. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free thirty-day pass or, if you have an if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download SiriusXM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.