Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

Tomorrow, the US House of Representatives is set to vote on the dangerous legislation known as Trumpcare that could leave millions of Americans without access to health care. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that 24 million people would lose health insurance within 10 years under the bill, and the legislation would specifically block people with Medicaid coverage from accessing preventive health care at Planned Parenthood health centers -- including birth control, cancer screenings, and STD testing and treatment.  Joining me today to talk all about the impact that impact that Trumpcare can have on the millions of patients that depend on the women’s health provider each year is Dawn Laguens, executive vice president and chief brand officer of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Following Donald Trump’s victory in the Electoral College, many Democrats began asking themselves why the white working-class turned their backs on the Party and helped hand victory to a billionaire con man whose policies work directly against their own interests.  And while many, if not most, of those in The Resistance of the Democratic base remain furious at these voters, the party’s political class and the liberal media Establishment are making a concerted effort to convert that rage into empathy for these people; but is this really the best thing for Democrats to do?  Joining me today to talk all about why he thinks we should have no sympathy for these people and the importance of Democrats not trying to feel everyone’s pain, and hold on to their own anger is Frank Rich, Writer-at-Large for New York Magazine and the Executive Producer of the Emmy-winning comedy Veep on HBO.

The Great Lakes hold 20 percent of the world’s supply of surface fresh water and provide sustenance, work and recreation for tens of millions of Americans. But they are under threat as never before, and their problems are spreading across the continent.  In his new book The Death and Life of the Great Lakes award-winning reporter for The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel DanEgan provides a chilling account of an ecological catastrophe happening right before our eyes, from invasive species destroying the native ecosystem to outbreaks of toxic algae stemming from the over application of farm fertilizer which have left massive biological “dead zones” that threaten the supply of fresh water to millions of Americans.  Dan joins me on the show today to talk all about the book and the perils that the Great Lakes face and the ways we can restore and preserve them for generations to come.

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Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 3-6 pm ET on SiriusXM Progress 127 and on the SiriusXM iPhone, Blackberry and Android apps. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free thirty-day pass or, if you have an if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download SiriusXM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM PROGRESS ch.127

In the wake of Donald Trump’s victory in the Electoral College we have seen tremendous surge in energy and activism happening to challenge the agenda of President Trump and the Republicans; and if Democrats and Progressives want to capitalize on this energy and effect change in Washington they need to recapture seats and take back the House.  Joining me today to talk all about his attempt to do just that is Jon Ossoff, who is a Democrat running to fill the House seat vacated by Tom Price in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District in a Special Election on Tuesday, April 18. 
Since we last spoke with Mark Joseph Stern of Slate last week a lot has happened, from Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing to Trump’s second Muslim Ban being blocked in the courts. Mark returns to the show today to talk all about these issues and so much more.

Don't forget, you can follow Michelangelo on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! 
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 3-6 pm ET on SiriusXM Progress 127 and on the SiriusXM iPhone, Blackberry and Android apps. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free thirty-day pass or, if you have an if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download SiriusXM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.